Monday, May 3, 2010

Cuyamaca Rancho State Park

I went camping with my family this weekend at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. I'd have to say that it was the most relaxing camping trip I've ever been on. So many times when we've gone camping, we went with other families OR our kids were too young to be ok with weathering the elements and it made it... well, let's just say, a little less relaxing.

When you go with other families, it's really fun, but it seems like you're always on-duty - fixing a meals, cleaning up after a meal, making a fire, fixing a bicycle, making trips to the potty, applying sunscreen to someone, making a trip to the general store to get fire wood - ohhh, the list can go on... But for some reason, this weekend was just us, just peaceful, just taking hikes when we wanted, just riding bikes when we wanted, just playing games when we wanted, just us being there enjoying each other and the gifts of Mother Earth.

It's no coincidence that we took our camping trip over the May Day holiday (May 1). May Day is not a holiday that we put a lot of effort into celebrating here in the United States - which is unfortunate. May Day has been around for thousands of years and part of its celebration is in honoring trees and flowers. With all the trees and flowers radiating and proud to be vibrant and fertile, it's a wonderful time to take a moment to honor that which gives us life here on Earth.

Happy May Day to you, from your friends at Lucidia.

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