Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Uninterrupted thoughts

Several weeks have gone by since last posting. I think I'm finally coming up for air. Part of the busyness of the last couple of weeks was flying with my kids out to South Carolina to visit with my parents. Now, the reason why I feel like I can breath is because I flew home last Thursday - sans kids! They'll fly back with my mom in about 10 days. I catch myself aching to be with them - I miss them a lot and at the same time enjoying the quiet solitude of my life as I know it right now. I know it's short lived! My time has been spent catching up on work, sleep, meditation, exercise and hanging with hubby and friends.

I realized yesterday that since having kids, my life has felt like one big interruption. AND I actually got to complete that thought - which is how I came to that realization. Oh, the irony! I remember thinking when I was a teenager that my mom and all my friends' moms were a little off their rocker (and it wasn't just the whole know-it-all teenager thing that I had going on - haha). I was actually pretty spot on and it's come full circle. Moms ARE a little off their rocker and it's because they can never have a complete thought! There are always interruptions. More times than not, they're good interruptions- but interruptions, nonetheless. Like, Mom come see what I painted! or Mom, come outside and play soccer with me! or Mom, come jump on the bed with me! I don't mind those interruptions so much. It's the interruptions that sound more like this that I can do without... MOM! we need more toilet paper! or MOM! I can't find my other shoe! or MOM! it's my turn! It comes with the territory, but really? really? Did the universe intend for moms to go crazy?

It really is great being a mom and truly a blessing. I mean, really... how could you not get all sappy over these two?

Just wish me luck in maintaining my sanity!

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