Monday, April 26, 2010

Herbal Steams

Last night I wanted to do a little reading up on herbs. I feel like no matter how much I read about them, I find that I either forget or find out something new each time I pick up a book. So I cruised over to my bookshelf and started looking at the various titles of the books laying there. I stopped at a book written by Lesley Tierra, titled A Kid's Herb Book. I remember buying this when I was pregnant with my son about 7 years ago. I love this book! It's so wonderfully written and sweet to read. It offers some great projects you can do with your kids, songs you can sing, fairytales, and best of all, it shows your kids how herbs can help the body feel better!

A Kids Herb Book gives a little advice that I thought would be helpful during this allergy season - herbal steams. Steams are especially beneficial whenever you have a stuffy nose, lung congestion, allergies, asthma, cough, sinus infection or cold. The herbal steam goes through your lungs and nostrils, helping to ease your breathing and make you feel better. So here's how to do it...
1) Boil about 2 quarts of water
2) While still hot, pour the water into a wide bowl or pot
2) You may then either put herbs into to water to make a "tea" or put about 7-8 drops of essential oil into the water. The best herbs or oil to use are lemon balm, thyme, oregano, sage, eucalyptus, mint or tea tree. Its important to add into the mix a strong-smelling herb, such as eucalyptus to quickly open the sinuses, nasal and lung passages to allow the other herbs to flow through.
3) Put a towel over your head and tuck all the edges in so the steam doesn't escape
4) Lean over the pot or bowl so your face is near the hot water
5) Breathe the steamy air for 5-10 minutes or more. You'll start to notice your face feeling hot and wet, but you should start breathing easier

I know from personal experience that whenever I get a sinus infection, if I make myself a tea tree oil steam, the infection doesn't stick around for more than a day. It's amazing, right?! I was in class this weekend for my Waldorf teacher training and one of the instructors was lecturing on Botany and she would explain the intricacies and beauty of a plant and she would exclaim, "doesn't this blow your mind?!". Well, in honor of Ms. Shivani, the fact that the tea tree has miraculous medicinal properties that clear away my sinus infections... my mind in blown!

For other ways to help your body feel better during the allergy season, check out For an herbal steam demo, check out this video.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sinus steam demonstration. I didnt know it was so simple and that you could just use essential oils. It helped open my sinuses and my face wasnt as puffy and painful afterwards. My skin feels better too.
