Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pets and Allergies

My dog, Lulu
I was wondering the other if any of our customers have tried Lucidia with their pets.  I knew a dog, a Maltise, who had terrible allergies.  She was constantly licking/biting her feet and the poor thing would hit her head on the floor every time she sneezed!

Just like people, pets are increasingly showing signs of allergies, at seemingly random times throughout their life.  Taking a closer look at diet, environment, stress and exercise may give clues to their allergy health.  Please write in to let us know if you've tried Lucidia with your pet and whether you saw improvements.  Thanks!


  1. Did you ever find out if Lucidia works with pets' allergies? My friend's dog has severe bouts of itching this time of year... every year. They have adjusted food, given oils, tried many things... Just wondering if I should recommend Lucidia?

  2. Thanks for your question. Yes, all the ingredients in Lucidia are safe for dogs and should be very beneficial for their health. Lucidia is also helpful for lung and inflammatory conditions in animals.
